Attention Payroll Companies and CPA firms

We want to partner with YOU!

Save your clients thousands annually AND provide your company another way to secure additional revenue from your clients!


We are a leader in the HR Services field and we partner with payroll companies and CPA firms in many industries. This partnership would provide another way for your company to secure additional revenue and potentially expose you to new clients.


Here’s how it works

  • Your company would refer clients to HR Screening Services. These clients would agree to use one or all of our cost effective services.
  • Your clients would save thousands annually by being able to use HRComplete, our free Human Resources Information System (HRIS) for all of their applicants and employees.
  • Your clients would also be eligible to receive thousands and thousands more each year in lucrative tax credits through Tax Credit and Incentive programs.
  • HRComplete is able to integrate with your system through our API and will be able to supply your company with employment and payroll data as needed from your clients
  • If any of your clients would decide to use us for tax credits and or background checks, you would have the option of sharing revenue with us

Interested? Would like more info? We’d be glad to speak with you and set up an interactive demo at your convenience

Email or call our sales manager Will Fitzgerald 412-517-1212 ext 119.

Overlook Nothing